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Главная страница блога » 2019 » Февраль » 12 » Вопрос и ответ 121
Вопрос и ответ 121

Q & A 121

Multiplication and Divine multiplication

A question sent to the UNIFICATION website on 9 November 2018, and its answer given by Presence of the One on 13 November 2018


Question: Dear Father One, in connection with the content of question and answer 117 – what is the difference between Multiplication and Divine multiplication?

Note from Rositsa Avela: On the UNIFICATION website, at the bottom of the page "Spiritual work", in the article "Explanations of some words and phrases" the following explanation has been given: 

"Multiplication (of energy) happens in the material world. 
Divine Multiplication happens in the Divine world."

Although this question had already been answered on the website, I asked Presence of the One whether the time has come to explain more and add content to the already existing answer.

Answer of Presence of the One: Yes, this answer could be supplemented.

The difference between multiplication and Divine multiplication is in the type of augmentation.

1. When a person performs some work in spirituality, by carrying out, for example, the Spiritual Practice "Help for the planet Earth" or the Spiritual Practice "Repentance, Forgiveness and Gratitude in 7 Steps to Help Prevent a Massive Nuclear Cataclysm on the Planet Earth" (See "Spiritual work" on the website), he/she creates a certain amount of good karma. This amount depends on the quality* with which a person performs the ministry, his Faith and his Elan.

2. When a person invokes his Higher I AM Presence before the beginning of his ministry to help him be focused during his work in spirituality and invokes his Higher I AM Presence to participate in this ministry, the good karma created during the ministry is multiplied.

3. When besides invoking his Higher I AM Presence, before the beginning of his ministry a person also invokes other Ascended Beings of Light to participate in the ministry, the good karma is Divinely multiplied, and this is a multiplication of higher order, quite a different one. Each time this Divine multiplication can be different, depending on which and how many Ascended Beings of Light have responded to the invocation and have joined to participate in this work in spirituality.

The better a person has prepared himself for the qualitative carrying out of his work in spirituality having elevated himself in energy and vibration by doing some preparatory work in spirituality – work that best suits his heart and helps him quickly elevate his consciousness, the more and the higher order Ascended Beings of Light gain access to him and may join to participate in his ministry when he invokes them.

Anyone of you may have noticed that when before the beginning of your work in spirituality you invoke Ascended Beings of Light and Higher Ascended Beings of Light of various ranks and levels of the Heavenly Hierarchy of Light to join your ministry, at the beginning of the ministry you feel at a certain level of elevation, and then, during the service, the energy increases, you elevate yourself more and more, and your ministry ends at a much higher level than it began, and has a completely different, much better result. This is so because, depending on the level of your elevation while doing this work in spirituality, newer and higher order Ascended Beings of Light join, which further increases the common energy level of the person's ministry.

These pure and Light Souls who carry out their ministries with greatest Joy, in Gratitude and purest Divine Love, whose hearts burn in the fire of this ever-growing Divine Love because of the Divine Love of all Ascended Beings of Light who participate in their ministry from the subtle plane and exchange it with each other and with the person doing the ministry as well, with one of their ministries can create a huge amount of good karma through the Lord’s multiplication. And this good karma may be much more than the one created during any group ministry in which participate people who could eventually lower the energy level of the other participants or have a different degree of karmic burden. The benefit from such group ministries, only in the case when during their performance all the measures were taken for protecting the purity of the participants (see "Five Rules-Guidelines on the protection of Purity" in part "Spiritual work"), in most cases is to help people participating in them. So, everyone decides for himself how to carry out work in spirituality and what ministries to do.

I AM Presence of the One



* Explanation of Presence of the One:

The high quality of the performance of any ministry is determined: 
by the prior attunement and level of elevation of the consciousness of the person at the beginning of the ministry, 
by the sense of Joy fulfilling that person because he/she can be useful by carrying out that ministry, and because the person performs it together with so many Ascended Beings of Light who have joined his ministry (there are always many of them!) after he invoked them and is in a common energy field with them during the ministry, and 
by his overflowing Divine Love and Gratitude to Me, the Father One, for the help that is given, and to the Ascended Beings of Light who participate with him in his ministry from the subtle plane and enable, through their work, to achieve a much greater Divine multiplication of energy during the ministry, and to create the possibility for much greater help given afterwards, help of a completely different magnitude.


© Rositsa Avela

Категория: Ответы на вопросы 2018 | Просмотров: 333 | Добавил: Lina



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